Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity by Queen Afua
Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity by Queen Afua
Heal Thyself: For Health and Longevity, is a do-it-yourself guide and recipe book for everyday people who desire to begin and maintain a holistic lifestyle.
The healer differs from the medical doctor in that the medical doctor is a learned and trained technician in methods of alleviating systems of illness that may not be part of his/her personal experience learned to utilize life's obstacles for growth and development. When, through understanding trial and error, and obstacle, problem or illness is overcome and a new experience of benefit is born out of an old problem, true healing has taken place. When such an indivuidual extends his/her healing experience to others to help guide them trough what they have experienced, a healer is created.
Healing, Medicine, Health